Final Stretch of Eigth Grade

I'm most excited about all the fun fields trips and incentives we're going to have in the last two weeks. I feel it is beneficial to have breaks after the long year of working as well as feel like we have worked enough to earn what's in store for us. I'm also incredibly excited for the fun projects we are going to do in class, since they spark my creativity and get me thinking about what's really going on with the world. For example, the essays that we were working on earlier in the second and third quarters helped me see the issues in the world from a different perspective.
However, I don't really care for how many essays we have to do for all classes except for math. I understand they are preparing us for high school and all, but I feel as if they are not challenging my creativity and my passions, dreams, and interests. I understand that school can't change the entire course just because of one student having different beliefs or something along that line. I only feel as if it can be improved, and be improved well to accommodate for every student, who have different skills sets, strengths, and weakness, and let them do what they feel is best to help them–and only them–to be successful. Teachers and other students alike can support them during this process

 I suppose I just needed to articulate what was on my mind for this post. Thanks for stopping by!


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